EmergeTech, INC

API Terms of Use

Updated - 9 Jan 2023

Agreement to the API Terms:
By accessing the Emerge Platform APIs directly or through a third party application, you agree to be bound by the API Terms. You must read, agree to, and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in the API Terms in order to use the Emerge API. Additionally, you agree to and accept the Emerge Terms and Conditions. If you disagree with any of the terms of the API Terms or the Emerge Terms and Conditions, Emerge does not grant you a license to use the Emerge API.

Developers Use of the Emerge API:
Developer wishes to use and access the Emerge API in connection with the development and distribution of a Developer Application or automation tool and agrees to the additional requirements herein. Developer and Emerge hereby agree as follows:

Developer Registration.
Before using the Emerge API, Developer must provide accurate information identifying its organization and the individual representative who will serve as a point of contact for Emerge. The registration may be completed and accepted by Emerge on the Site. Upon successful registration, Emerge shall make Access Credentials available to Developer. “Access Credentials” means the necessary security keys, secrets, tokens, and other credentials to access the Emerge API. All activities that occur using your Access Credentials are your responsibility. Access Credentials are specific to you and are confidential information. Keep them secret. You must not sell, transfer, or sublicense the Access Credentials.

Development of the Developer Application.
Subject to the terms of these Terms of Use, Developer will develop one or more Developer Applications or automation tools. Developer will ensure that all Developer Applications are and remain in compliance with the API Terms and the Emerge Terms of Service.

Permitted Uses of the Emerge API.
Your use of the Emerge API is limited to the purpose of facilitating your own or your Users’ use of the Emerge Site and Site Services. Some examples of permitted uses of the Emerge API would be to create Applications that:
• Allow Users to create opportunities with a customized interface
• Allow Users to respond to opportunities with a bid.

Prohibited Uses of the Emerge API.
Developer must never do any of the following:

Use the Emerge API in any Developer Application that includes adult content, promotes gambling, involves the sale of tobacco or alcohol to persons under 21 years of age, promotes or offers malicious code, or violates any applicable law or regulation.

Use the Emerge API to retrieve Emerge Content that is then aggregated with third-party search results in such a way that a user cannot attribute the Emerge Content to Emerge (such as aggregated search results).

Distribute or allow access to the Emerge API to anyone other than the entity on whose behalf Developer agreed to these Terms, or create an application programming interface that enables access to Emerge Content

Prohibited Uses/Functions of Developer Application.
Developer and the Developer Application must not do the following:Implement features or business practices that unlawfully harm the professional reputation or relationships of Emerge or Emerge users.

Try to exceed or circumvent limitations on calls and use.
This includes creating multiple Developer Applications for identical, or largely similar, purposes.

Download, scrape, post, or transmit, in any form or by any means, any part of the Site or Site Services, including data retrieved by web browser plugins.

Copy, reformat, reverse-engineer, or otherwise modify the Emerge API, Access Credentials, the Site, the Site Services, or any Emerge Content.

Interfere with or disrupt Emerge services, Emerge servers or networks connected to Emerge services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Emerge Site or Site Services.

API License.

Using the Emerge API.
As part of the API Terms, Emerge grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable (except as expressly permitted herein) license to use the Emerge API solely to do the following and subject to the restrictions set forth in the API Terms:

Enable your Application to interact with Emerge’s applications and databases to retrieve information necessary to facilitate your own use of the Site and Site Services through your Application

Rearrange or reorganize Emerge Content within your Application; and Display in your Application Emerge Content consistent with this Agreement.

Access Credentials.
Emerge will provide you with Access Credentials that permit you to access the Emerge API. The Access Credentials are the property of Emerge and may be revoked if you share them with any third party (other than as allowed in the API Terms), if they are compromised, if you violate the API Terms or the Emerge Terms of Service, or if Emerge terminates the API Terms.

API Call Limitations.
The number of API calls you will permitted to make during any given time period may be limited. Emerge will determine call limits based on various factors, including the ways your Application may be used or the anticipated volume of use associated with your Application. Emerge may, in its sole discretion, charge you for API calls that exceed the call limits or terminate your access to the Emerge API.

Access to the Emerge API.
Subject to the API Terms, Emerge may, in its sole discretion, make specific instances or versions of the Emerge API available to Developer for use in connection with Developer Applications or tools. Emerge may terminate such access to the Emerge API, in whole or certain features, functions, or services thereof, for convenience, at any time. The Emerge API will be deemed to be a part of the Site Services as set forth in the Emerge Terms and Conditions.

API Support and Changes.

We may provide technical support, upgrades, or modifications of the API at our sole discretion. We may cease providing technical support, upgrades, or modifications of the Emerge API at any time and for any reason without notice or liability to Developer.

Emerge may release new versions of the API and require Developer to use the new version of the API.