Premier Carrier

Uniquely qualified capacity for RFPs

Emerge Premier Carriers are Marketplace Carriers offering large fleets and quality service for added value to your RFP events.

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Business success begins with procurement

Emerge works with procurement teams across the globe to help them make smarter logistics decisions for both their businesses and the world we all share.

No set up required

With direct access to your event via Emerge, you eliminate time spent setting up new carriers while gaining even more competitive rates from the Marketplace.

Full transparency

Premier Carriers are automatically added to select RFP events. Bids are submitted directly to the Shipper and include name, Premier Carrier status, logo, grade with Scorecard, and rate. Premier Carriers provide quality service and competitive rates.

Backed by Emerge

Given direct access to your events, but backed by Emerge, Premier Carriers are a no-fuss, low-risk option for freight coverage. Feel confident expanding your network.