Mini Bids

Targeted mini bids for maximum efficiency

Mini Bids let shippers make real-time decisions using market insights and flexible bidding strategies, optimizing seasonal and project freight bidding for efficiency and cost-effectiveness, while maintaining strong carrier relationships.

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a screenshot of the mini bid RFP capabilities of Emerge's freight procurement logistics platform

Market timing

Advanced benchmarking tools help you determine the best timing for your trucking bids. Access real-time market data and procurement insights from your historical performance to capitalize on favorable market shifts and save costs.

Rate analysis

Identify which lanes and Network Partners are priced at, above, or below market rates. Use this insight to focus your mini bids strategically and address unfavorable rates efficiently.

Quick execution

Launch Mini Bids quickly and easily. With simple setup, respond swiftly to market conditions and secure capacity at the best rates.

Enhanced carrier engagement

Strengthen relationships with carriers by offering frequent freight bidding opportunities. This ongoing engagement ensures carrier availability and competitive pricing, improving procurement resilience.

Extensive carrier network

Access Emerge Marketplace with over 45,000 carriers, or choose Premier Carriers—specially selected for their large fleets and ability to meet diverse shipper needs. 

Comprehensive reporting

Understand your bidding activities with detailed procurement data analytics and reports. Monitor Mini Bids effectiveness, assess carrier performance, and make data-driven adjustments to refine your procurement process.

Ready to reinvent your procurement strategy?

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