Quote Execution

Optimize spot management with seamless request for quote execution

Revolutionize your spot management process with streamlined quoting, tendering, and awarding. Use Rate Pulse for precise market rate benchmarking and Dynamic Book It Now for strategic rate setting and instant booking. Automate every step from request for quote creation to load tendering.

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a screenshot of the quote execution capabilities of Emerge's freight procurement logistics platform

Benchmarking insight

Request quotes confidently with Rate Pulse, identifying the best market rates for precise quoting.

Dynamic rate setting

Set strategic starting and ceiling rates with Dynamic Book It Now, capturing optimal rates while allowing instant carrier bookings.

Bid execution

Manage bids, load tenders, and tracking with Emerge’s TMS capabilities, overseeing locations and carriers from one integrated platform.

Auto-tendering efficiency

Streamline operations with customizable auto-tendering, automatically sending loads to selected carriers based on your preferences.

Customizable partner selection

Use Auto Book Partners to pre-define and streamline carrier selection based on your criteria, ensuring quality service.

Access to extensive capacity

Tap into Emerge’s wide network of marketplace carriers for immediate capacity, optimal rates, and top service levels.

Ready to reinvent your procurement strategy?

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