Contract Benchmarking

Optimize your contract freight with precision procurement benchmarking

Refine your contract freight strategy with advanced Procurement Benchmarking tools. Use procurement intelligence to find cost savings and optimize pricing for your freight lanes. Access market insights and data to understand trends, compare network partner performance, and reprice events for maximum profitability.

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a screenshot of the market benchmarking capabilities of Emerge's freight procurement logistics platform

Uncover unfavorable lanes

Identify underperforming trucking lanes quickly for immediate corrective bidding actions.

Immediate events

Streamline bidding with easy event creation directly from benchmark reports, securing more favorable rates.

In-depth market analysis

Access detailed procurement benchmarking reports for insights into lane performance and market conditions.

Competitive advantage

Stay ahead of the market by understanding network partner performance against industry benchmarks.

Enhanced cost management

Use benchmarking insights to negotiate better terms and optimize shipping expenses.

a screenshot of the enhanced cot management of Emerge's logistics platform

Data-driven decisions

Make informed choices with procurement intelligence that tracks real-time market changes and historical performance.

a screenshot of the data driven decisions capabilities of Emerge's logistics platform

Ready to reinvent your procurement strategy?

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