Product Announcements

Introducing Carrier Visibilty and Automated Performance Tracking with Carrier Scorecards

August 7, 2024

At Emerge, we're committed to helping shippers make the best strategic sourcing decisions for their businesses during the RFP process.

Emerge's innovative Dynamic RFP Platform puts shippers in the driver's seat by helping them optimize and automate their freight procurement processes. Emerge's Dynamic RFP Platform helps shippers save money, enhance their productivity, and manage all sourcing spend in one easy-to-use platform – and it gets even better.

In today's markets, financial performance is paramount for shippers of all shapes and sizes, which is why our Dynamic RFP Platform has plenty of strategic sourcing features, like benchmarking and optimization, which helps shippers get the financial results they're looking for.

Working alongside many quality shippers we’ve learned that while some only source from a financial perspective; others treat service levels and performance as equally important. Introducing Carrier Scorecards, Emerge's latest offering to help aid shippers in the strategic sourcing process of finding the best capacity for every lane with data such as safety, performance, and cost when creating an awards strategy.

Bring Your Own Network Partner Data

Shippers can upload their own Network Partner performance and scorecard data

Shippers can upload key performance indicators (KPIs) from their internal data sources such as on-time pickup & delivery performance, tender acceptance rates, and tracking compliance. Through powerful automation, Emerge also populates scorecards with real-time FMCSA data – including safety ratings, OOS inspections, fleet size, and more.

Best of all, shippers can assign custom grades to their Network Partners to help create a more balanced scorecard that can be used during the awarding process within Emerge's RFP event scenarios. Once uploaded, shippers will be able to access Scorecard data throughout the Dynamic RFP Platform. You can upload data as often as you'd like to keep it as fresh as possible.

Use Scorecards for Strategic Sourcing During the Awarding Process

Use Carrier Scorecards during scenario building for better awarding

Carrier Scorecards can be leveraged during the strategic sourcing process by creating custom constraints within Emerge's Dynamic RFP scenario builder. This means shippers finally have the ability to create complex scenarios that take service level data into account during the strategic sourcing process.

This new approach allows a procurement team to incorporate performance data, such as on-time delivery, into their awarding processes.

Add Reputable Capacity with Emerge's Digital Freight Marketplace

View Scorecards and FMCSA safety, compliance, and operational metrics for Marketplace carriers

When it comes to awarding freight, reputation matters. Having the ability to see a comprehensive view of a marketplace vendor prior to working with them is essential during the procurement process.

For shippers looking to access new capacity, Carrier Scorecards offer the insight you need to confidently commit to new capacity for coverage, competition, and cost savings. Marketplace carriers receive an Emerge-generated safety grade representing real-time FMCSA safety, compliance, and operational metrics to help create the most realistic, balanced scorecard.

Shippers can use this balanced scorecard to help identify higher quality vendors from Emerge's digital freight marketplace during the procurement process. Having access to detailed information about a business' historic service level performance is a game changer for shippers during their strategic sourcing processes.

How to Learn More about Carrier Scorecards

Now, shippers can access these new capabilities within the Dynamic RFP Platform – bringing a whole new world of automation to the strategic sourcing experience. If you're curious on learning more about how Carrier Scorecards can help you – schedule a demo today.

To read further, head over to for a detailed look at how this new feature can help streamline your strategic sourcing process and get the best capacity for every lane. 

With Emerge's Dynamic RFP Platform and its suite of powerful features combined with Carrier Scorecards, shippers now have access to greater insights than ever before – helping them make better decisions faster.

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